
Goodbye 2007...

2007 was a funny year.. It had its ups & downs.. but i guess every year does. I learned a lot and felt I've grown some though. So in honor of my growth I have my final chapter of things I learned in 2007. Some things I learned myself, some I learned from others.

-Never give up.
-Just do it. No matter what. No excuses. (This applies to EVERYTHING you may want to do.)
-Tell the truth, have passion, love to laugh, & love with heart, because that's all that matters when it comes down to it.
-Sometimes in life you reach points where selfishness is necessary, especially if you have creative ambitions.
-I'm ready for big changes.
-The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.
-What you are thinking about, you are becoming.
-My best moment is still coming.
-You really can't believe what any man says. You just have to believe God.
-My dog is a symbol for love & life.
-I absolutely LOVE djing.
-You really have to work hard to move all the clutter in your head and really focus. That's when you'll see major achievements.
-I like being around other successful people because it shows me a way to go.
-Everyone thinks I'm a big complainer, when in actuality I'm speaking out the truth about what's going on. You don't have to just settle for something.
-I will always have a young heart no matter how old I get. Which I think is a good thing.
-When you don't have a sense of humor about anything, that's when you are old.

and last but not least:

- People actually like and pay attention to the creative things I do. For which I am very proud and thankful!

btw, this video is all Myron! He has some underrated acting skills!

2007, it's been good. Adios Muchacho!

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