I wanna see this WAY more than "Semi-Pro". I wanted to see it when I heard about it on imdb like a year ago..
Step Brother
La Calavera Quicky: The Fall
Hola amigo y amiga. . .from the looks of this trailer, it looks like this will be an interesting pelicula. You know La Calavera loves his interesting Peliculas! Enjoy.
La Calavera #42
Jay-z ft. Pharrell "I Know"
My favorite song off of the "American Gangster" album. It's very addictive, just like the content of the song. The video features Zoe Kravitz (daughter of Lenny Kravitz and Lisa Bonet). I think I like her as much as her mom! Anyway, the song is about being addicted to drugs, and the video exposes what it must be like to be strung out while walking around the city. Well in that case, Zoe Kravitz is the finest crackhead I've ever seen!
La Calavera says: More Spots @ The Mission District
It began last friday, Feb 22nd with this:

More on this as soon as I gets more info. Maybe Dave C. will get in on some of this.
Hasta La Proxima,
La Calavera #42
La Calavera Quicky: Reach out and touch us. .oh yes.
For all our readers. . .here's some info:
Join our Myspace: www.myspace.com/theempirekids to find out about upcoming events. (It's still under construction but you can add us on anyway.)
Email us at: TheEmpireKids@hotmail.com for questions or comments.
Hasta La Proxima,
La Calavera#42
La Calavera appreciates Darren C. of Back to the Grind
When La Calavera was looking at Malina Love's photo's, the first set caught his eye. At first I thought they were pic's taken out in L.A. at some eclectic, mardi-graish event. Swings hanging from the ceiling, bright costumes, beautiful mujeres. . .it looked like something La Calavera wishes he coulda checked out. On closer inspection though, I noticed a King from a card deck on one of the doors and then La Calavera Realized it. From the furniture, to the bar, to the King on the bathroom door, this was Back to the Grind on University Ave in Riverside. The event at this joint truly looked like Moulin Rouge! It goes to show how there are many spots out in D.T.R among other places in the I.E. where things are popin'.
The owner of this joint is Darren Conkerite. He's there almost every night servin' up some hot java, smoothies, and sandwiches. Darren C is truly an individual worthy of even more recognition for what he's brought to the Mission District. He's given a second life to the Arts and Music Scene in the area. Check out the photo's I'm talkin' about on "The Malina Love Photography" link on "our favorite things" spot. Also, check out some photo's and other stuff at the Back to the Grind Website: www.back2thegrind.com. This has me in the mood for Peaches "Downtown" and the "Come What May" Remix from Moulin Rouge. Enjoy.
Hasta La Proxima,
La Calavera #42
Well.....At Least One War Is Over!
For the past 2 years, people have been going back and forth with the question, should I go for HD-DVD or for Blu-Ray? I don't want to buy one format, it not succeed and I'm assed out with the loser! Both formats output high defenition video and data, what's the difference? Blu-Ray, developed by Sony, holds 25 gigabytes worth of space on a single layer disc and 50 on a dual layer disc. HD-DVD, developed by Toshiba and NEC, holds 15 gigabytes on a single layer disc and 30 gigabytes on a dual layer disc. Why should this matter? With that much more space, studios could make their disc releases with a crap load of special features and commentaries. The Sony Playstation 3, which capitalized on this format, allows them to do much more with the games they develop; huge production games such as Final Fantasy used to be 2-3 discs long, mainly becasue of the CG cutscenes, but now they will be able to flood the game with detailed cutscenes and still fit on one disc.
For a while both companies have been playing tug of war with studios signed to release movies with their format. HD-DVD had some big wig studios such as Warner Bros., Universal and Dreamworks. So at the time you could only get The Matrix Trilogy or Transfomers on HD-DVD. Blu-Ray has Disney, Sony Pictures, Fox...well the rest. Ever since Warner Bros. announced they were jumping ship to Blu-Ray exclusively, that kind of put a dent in the HD-DVD market. Just this past week, Toshiba announced that it was abandoning the HD format! That bit of news confirmed the battles' victor and after 2 years of waiting to see who comes on top, Ima jump on that PS3 bandwagon; it's the cheapest player on the market. Now, my ass has gotta go back to work. Peace!
A Terrible Black History Month..
As we are in the last week of Black History Month, two of the biggest black pop icons in recent years get hit with some bad news. Today it was announced that Michael Jackson is now being forced to foreclose his famous "Neverland ranch." That sucks. Unless he pays out $25 million ducketts, he will never see "Neverland" again.
In even worse news, and I do mean WORSE, it was reported that Prince will be undergoing hip surgery. Yes, Prince is having hip surgery. The doc even told him he can't do the splits no more.
Man, that's like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X going down in the 60's. Who else we got compared to them? R. Kelly?? Well, he does put out some good stuff...haha.
Estelle - American Boy (Feat. Kanye West)
Favorite line in this song: "I just met this 5'7" guy who's just my type" -- Finally a chick that likes short dudes! All these girls I know ask me how come I like international girls so much...because they like short dudes like me! And they're way nicer and respectful than American girls.. so if you're an American girl, you better step your game up!
Top Shots of 2007
There were some dope movies out in 2007, but InContention.com did their votes on the top cinematic shots of the year. Cinematography is one of my favorite aspects of movies, and I love to study how the shots in a movie tell the story. So I liked a lot of the pics InContention picked for their top 10 shots. Here's my fav shot of the year, from The Bourne Ultimatum. It was so sick! The half second the shot was in the movie didn't do it justice.
click the pic for the top five picks
click here for 6-10
My weekend pt. 2
Saturday night I went to the Heat fest at UC Riverside. It had the likes of 311, Mos Def, Clipse, Girl Talk, LA Riots, Villians, Moby, Low Budget, Blake Miller, Le Castlevania and some other bands I don't know of. I was suprised so many people still came through to party in the rain. That must be what it's like to go to parties or concerts back east. I went with my homegirls Krystle & Magda. Krystle was pretty much there to see 311. Magda was there mainly to dance and have a good time, and take a thousand pictures, haha, that's why I love her. We started off in the dance tent, where the Villains were playing a dope set from Cameo to Does It Offend You, Yeah. We got our groove on for a while but Krystle wanted to head to the main stage to make way to the front for 311. So I trekked off to the other stage to go see Girl Talk. Girl Talk is loved and hated by many, mainly because he's not a real dj, he just plays samples and mixes of stuff from his laptop. I say whatever, as long as you can throw a good party, and he seems to do that. But the best part of his show wasn't him, it was all these goofy white kids on stage dancing crazy, and the big black bodyguard shaking his head at these kids that don't have no rhythm, haha.
After Girl Talk I went to watch Mos Def, and then went to the dance tent to again where Moby was playing, then back to 311 where I met this dude who saw my Laker beanie, and we talked about how dope the Lakers were, and how much we loved them, and his girlfriend got hella mad and jealous. Don't hate when it comes to the Lakers.. haha. Krystle and Magda left a little early because they apparently got into it with some girl and almost had to smack her up.. I love the girls I roll with, they're so necessary.. great weekend.
i love this "Good Will Hunting" War
Wasn't as funny as the first one at first, until the celeb cameos.. My faves were Brad Pitt as the FedEx guy, Robin Williams, McLovin, and Harrison Ford blowing kisses, haha. Ben Affleck's "Night at the Roxbury" shirt was comedy too. The gayness cracks me up.
La Calavera Quicky: Ursula 1000 and Miss Kitten and the Hacker
La Calavera is in the Electro, jazzy, lounge kinda mood. Here are dos great songs: Kinda Kinky by Ursula 1000; one of my favorite music videos that has a retro theme going on and Miss Kitten and the Hacker with the song 1982, good song, decent video. And now back to my martini and smoke. . .It's a beautiful rainy day today, can't let it go to waste. Go outside and get wet I.E.! Enjoy.
La Calavera #42
Ursula 1000
Miss Kitten and the Hacker
My weekend
went to PYT last night in LA.
Da homey Rockwell invited me out because he was djing there. I've been wanting to hit up PYT for the longest, but never had the chance.. but it was amazing! Despite the fact, I went out there all by my lonesome, because my friends seem to think I'm some sort of lame-o that isn't worth hanging out with on a Friday night, but Rockwell was so cool, and introduced me to all his peeps, and I met some very cool random peeps. I love meeting new people, and networking. Got there early and watched Jiro take his amazing photos.. then they let the crowd in, and the party didn't stop till almost 3 in the morning after that. After Rockwell's amazing set, another favorite dj of mine, Desert Eagles went on and killed it! This was like the most inspiring night of my life. Even think I saw Pau Gasol's ass there, but that was after a couple of drinks and some Cazadores the promoter hooked me up with.. But it was a great time for real.
Now tonight, I go bring the Heat!
Get busy living, or get busy dying!
Peace suckas..
La Calavera's Gear shop worthy of notice.
Por favor, do not get scared by the ominous 666 in the brand name. Though not necessarily having any connection with the Inland Empire, this clothing shop is worthy of notice because it's clothes and their designs are muy chingon (now say that last word with me "Chi-n-go-n" sound out that "n") and because you'll be supporting independent business. . .best of all. . . Latino independent business.
La Calavera ran into La Marca Del Diablo by accident while hanging out on Hollywood Blvd with his woman. It just stood out! The way they have the store fixed up: old oil cans, walls and ceiling painted black, it kinda gives you that cool 50's car mechanics garage type feel. Here are a few samples of their shirts:
This clothing is for both men and women and they also have other accescories. Here is the link:
You can also find it on our "favorite things" links or just take a trip out to L.A. and walk down Hollywood blvd. . .you can't miss it.
Hasta La Proxima,
La Calavera #42
P.S. This gets me in the mood for some MORPHINE. Enjoy. Dedicated to my amigo Casey.
Interesting stuff..
Malcolm Gladwell is such a cool dude. Saw this on DJ Skeet Skeet's page, had to share it. Pretty intelligent stuff. Also pretty inspiring. "Blink" is also one of my favorite books.
p.s. the video is like 17 minutes long, but it's an interesting 17 minutes. Enjoy!
R.I.P. Back In The Day Thursdays
so, the homies at Giant Magazine totally bit my "Back in the Day" blogs with their "daily flashbacks" blog. It's cool, I still got love for them, Giant is a dope magazine. Read it if you haven't. And they have some of the best photos in the game. But anyway, I'm deading the back in the day thing because of this. Don't worry though. We're still keeping it fresh like these Obama kicks!
D.J. Dave C + La Calavera = Malina Love @ Aces and Eights
DATE AND TIME: Saturday, February 16th, 7 p.m. - 3:00 a.m.
EVENT: Malina Love's photography exhibit.
AREA: Downtown Riverside, Mission District
LOCATION: Ace's and Eights Bail bonds.
ARTIST: Malina Love
The Big Bang that the I.E. is goin' through has brought a few more stars into view. . .in the strangest of locations. La Calavera will begin with,
Artist Spot Light: Who is Malina Love?
Malina Love (photos by: La Calavera)
Malina Love is a student, a photographer, an artist, a traveler. She fell in love with photography 3 years ago while living on a luxuary train. Her passion revolves around photographing the simple things in life, things that one wouldn't think twice about. But once she captures that object with her camera, she gives it a life of it's own; The details on a newspaper and simple everyday objects that surround it like a coffee mug hold new meaning. The reflection of buildings from a city on a window displaying a model Galleon ship brings about a dichotomy between what one desires and reality (thanks hermano Anthony).
D.J Dave C. and Malina Love (photos by: La Calavera)
This is Malina Love's 10th Exhibit. She has shown her work up and down the West Coast; from Cali, to Oregon, to Denver, to Washington, among many other areas. This boehemian has also lived in many interesting places: onboard a luxuray train, at sea while working on a cruise ship. Keep a look out for future exhibits from this very attractive and talented photographer. To check out more of her photo's visit: www.flickr.com/photos/love_inc
Now the Location, Dave C., and tu amigo. . . La Calavera,
Setting up and getting ready for the night (photo by: La Calavera)
D.J's and artists have been known to hold event's anywhere from abandoned warehouses to parking lots in the middle of the night to the bottom of a bridge. The Location D.J. Dave C and La Calavera were invited to perform at and photograph on Saturday night has to be a first.
When one thinks of a bail bonds office the first image that comes to mind is a small stank room, flickering florecent lighting, a wooden desk with circle coffee mug stains, ash trays, and magazines on a little table in the corner next to a chair. This place was nothin' like that.
Industrial beams reaching from the floor to the ceiling, an exposed brick wall where photo's from the beautiful Malina Love hung, lighting that belonged in an indie art gallery, decorations ranging from an old Gasoline pump to a 3 and a half foot tall 1940's radio reciever with a matching desk lamp, and an old barbershop chair with the chrome catching the light being used to display one of Love's many photographs. This was truly an eclectic joint and so were the sets Dave C began spinnin'.
D.J. Dave C (photo's by: La Calvera)
The set began with the soul from a 50's cigarette smoke filled jazz club followed by the sounds of guitar rifts from the rock of the same era. Around 1a.m. things really began jumpin' when the crowd started a massive karaoke session to NIRVANA and WEEZER. Dave C. knows how to get the crowd hyped (the alcohol doesn't hurt either), finally ending the night (or morning) with favorites from the 80's with the likes of THE CURE and NEW ORDER. After many glasses of wine and Vodka pineapple mixes our minds were set ablaze on our next event.
Nuestros Amigos! (our friends) (photo by: La Calavera)
Quien Es La Calavera? (Who is La Calavera). . . find out at the next event. For now, here is a teaser.
La Calavera
Hasta La Proxima,
D.J. Dave C and La Calavera #42
Love Me Sexy
This song is actually legitimately pretty good. Has a good disco ballad feel. I'm actually not as hyped about Semi-Pro as I have been with other Ferrell movies. Be Kind Rewind is definitely in my hype-o-meter though..
Back In The Day Thursdays
perfect for valentine's day.. the sexiest song of ALL TIME!
P.S. I kill this song on karaoke btw!
La Calavera Quicky: Feliz Dia De El Amor y la Amistad!!!
Go on then, go suck on the tit of the corporate Valentine's Day Machine!!! Isn't it strange how this holiday has recently become synonymous with cell phone companies. We are constantly bombarded with ads stating that buying a cell phone is a way of showing someone you love them. Don't get me started on the other stuff. Diamonds last forever, humans don't. Go on and support the slave labor that occurs in areas like Africa where diamonds are dug up at the expense of many human lives.
Now I'm not saying valentines day is all that bad, in fact. . .everyday should be a valentines day for you and the person you love. The person you love doesn't necessarily have to be your boyfriend or girlfriend, it can be a friend, your mother, father, brother, sister, aunt or uncle. . .anybody! In Spanish, Feliz Dia De El Amor y La Amistad simply means Happy day of love and friendships.
Rich or poor, keep it simple. Make a homemade card, cook a homemade dinner and take it out to the park, beach, or patio and enjoy the day with the person(s) you care about. Go catch some live jazz music in the evening at the local coffee shop. Visit the museum or rent a movie and snuggle up. I know I don't need to go on about this because I understand our readers are intelligent bohemian's who know this already. Happy Valentines Day!!!
With Love,
La Calavera #42
I remember when valentines day used to be so simple!!!! This video has multiple meanings, it all dempends on which one you choose.
Good ol' Valentines
Tomorrow is valentine's day, and everyone keeps asking me what I'm gonna do, if I have a valentine, if I'm taking a girl out, etc. All I really care about tomorrow is watching Lost (which has been getting really good btw!). I probably won't care about Valentine's day until I start dating Shannyn Sossamon or Thandie Newton anyway. But in light of valentine's coming up, and a lot of single girls I know always saying how they want to find a nice guy, or they want a valentine, I decided to turn things around. Guys aren't always the ones that are messed up when it comes to relationships or dating. Girls can get pretty caniving also. Here are a few crazy experiences I've had with girls that I actually really liked, but they gave me the ol' slap to the face...
1. So I liked this girl and we dated for a few weeks, only for her to go back to her ex, and not call me or return my calls. A year later, she calls me, saying that she's single again, and wants to start hanging out again and going out, etc. So we did for a while. Then new years was coming up, where me and bunch of friends decided to go to Disneyland. I invited her, and she wanted to go. She was in LA for her dad's b-day the night before, so she met us out at Disneyland. We had a good day, rode some rides, had good food, and enjoyed each other's company. Until an hour before midnight, and she starts claiming that her back was starting to hurt because Space Mountain was such a jerky ride. So she decided to go home. Left me hanging, and couldn't even bring in the new year with me. I haven't heard from her since, so I speculate that she got back with her ex again. Shady stuff.. but it's kinda funny when I think about it.
2. This situation was odd too. I met this girl last summer at my friend's b-day party. We had a cool conversation, but I didn't get her number or anything. But a few months later, my friend shows me a picture in her phone, and asks if I remember her friend. I did, and I jokingly told my friend to have her friend call me. She actually told her to call me, and after that me and this girl started going out a bit. I was trying not to move to fast, but we were having a good time hanging out. If anything, she was being more aggressive than I was. I even recall a night when she called me like 10 times asking me to come over, while I was watching Prison Break. I told her I would come over as soon as it was over, but she would call every five minutes asking if Prison Break was over yet. Funny, huh? So one night, we were hanging out, and I had planned a weekend trip out to Palm Desert with my boys for me and Myron's b-day. I told her about it, but didn't formally invite her, because I wanted it to be a guys trip w/ golfing, hanging, whatever. Plus we hadn't been seeing each other that long, and I didn't want to invite her and have her think it would be a romantic weekend. But she didn't trip about it at all. So the next week when I get back, I call her, and text her, and she doesn't return my call for like a week or two. I wondered if I did anything wrong, or hurt her feelings in any way, and called and apologized. Then she tells me she just got out of a bad relationship and isn't ready to see anyone. If I had know she was gonna get like that, I would've been a lot more upset about her interrupting Prison Break. It was a good episode too!
3. This girl was my girlfriend for almost 2 years, and we were going pretty strong. Although I almost messed it up when I got a crush on a girl that lived in my dorm, and kinda wanted to break up with my girl to go out with this other girl. But I figured I had a good thing going, ignored the fact that I had a crush on this girl, and stuck with my girl, because I loved her. I didn't tell her I was thinking about breaking up with her or anything though, of course. A couple months later, we are having a talk, and she tells me she wants to "take a break" to date other people. It was all because of some other dude that lived in her dorm that was always flirting with her, because he didn't like me. He was sleeping with every other girl that lived in the dorm, but she said she can see passed that, and that he's actually a really sweet guy. So we broke up, summer came, and she dated that guy, only for him to sleep with her, and break up with her right before school started because all the new girls were coming in. We tried staying friends for a while, but it was awkward, because I had started to move on, and meet other girls. Then she gives me a Christmas card saying how she was sorry and still loved me, and wanted to be with me again, blah, blah, blah.. I simply sent her and email saying "Thanks for the Christmas card". We haven't really spoken much since. I'm guessing my response to her card was kinda cold huh? But she's the one that left a good thing..her loss. I think she's happy now though, that's cool.
So I'm not bitter from any of these girls. I actually think all these stories are pretty funny. But I just have to point out that guys get played just like girls do. So if you do have someone, and if you're really in love with your gf/bf, or husband/wife, don't take it for granted. Show that person how much you love them, and cherish every day you have with them. You never know what will happen. Just read this.
Here's my special Valentine's Day song of the week
Bill Withers "Can We Pretend"
La Calavera's up and coming artist of the Inland Empire: Eric Wright
Just like maiz turns into tortillas, stars are born and Galaxies are created.
Primero it began with Los Angeles, followed by San Diego, then The O.C. Now the Inland Empire has gone through its own Big Bang and an entire galaxy of potential has come into view. One particular star that burns brightly is mi amigo Eric Wright.
Quien es este hombre? (who is this man?)
He is a poet, a painter, an online game designer. On certain Monday Nights you can catch him reading his poetry ar Riverside's Mission district, inside the basement of the Back to the Grind Coffee Shop. A place where words fill the air like the cigarette smoke at a Jazz club. Words that express the inner feelings of young artists yearning for love, meaning in life, and joy.
On other occasions you can catch him at his oasis: an apartment complex that looks like somebody ripped a piece of San Francisco and dropped it in the middle of Riverside. There, he'll be busy working on either his online gaming project: www.mygameline.com or drawing beautiful works of art on his lap top.
Eric Wright is La Calavera's up and coming artist of the Inland Empire. To find out more about him check out his myspace @:
If you're looking for some fun check out:
And to hear some of his poetry Vist BACK TO THE GRIND on Monday nights located on University Ave. His Artwork will be displayed there as part of the Riverside Arts Walk which occurs the first Thursday of every month.
With permission from Mr. Wright, below is a sample of some of his paintings titled: "Velvet Tide", "I won't tell",and "I promise". Enjoy.
Hasta La Proxima,
La Calavera #42
The Girl of My Dreams
In addition to my Valentine's week, here's another star crush of mine. This girl I would definitely marry and send flowers and chocolates to every chance I got. Oh yeah, I would call her and tell her how much I love her like 3 times a day too..
She's my fave!
Shannyn Sossamon
click the pic
The prettiest smile ever! When I go to Hawaii this year, I will be in search of a girl that looks like her, so there is your chance ladies..haha!
La Calavera Quicky: David Lynch on iPhone
La Calavera love's him some David Lynch. This is actually a clip from an interview with him that can be found on the special features part of the DVD for THE INLAND EMPIRE. (A movie Dave C unfortunately had to be put through (lol). . .La Calavera likes it though and I am still trying to figure it out). It was turned into a funny paraody of an iPhone commercial, but his comment on how one experiences a film is interesting! Anyway. . .it's funny. Enjoy.
La Calavera #42
Valentine's Week
Since I'm a lover, not a fighter, and such a sensitive guy at heart..haha, I'm celebrating not just valentine's day, but valentine's week! I will post something about loves of my life, or just crushes (because most of you know I have a crush on a girl every week). So this week I'm starting off with one of my biggest star crushes: Thandie Newton.
She's so beautiful, I'd marry her brother just to get in her family!
You can see some of my favorite photo sessions of her here.
Since when is Jerry O'Connell a comedic genius?
Another hilarious take on the writer's strike by Jerry O'Connell...
I like how his own wife Rebecca Romjin, laughs at him when he says he's gonna act in a new movie, haha. I think he does star in that sorry ass sitcom about Carpooling..
I also like how he's sporting a Jimmy Kimmel Live hoodie, haha!
Anyway, if you haven't seen it yet, he is spoofing this.. it's just as funny
This kid's been all over the internet, and everyone wants him to throw a party for them..good work kid. You're the next Diddy!
La Calavera's Artist of the Month: The mysterious Clutchy Hopkins
Here is a music Video which uses the animated TIME MASTERS as a backdrop for his beats. Scroll down to read more.
Quien es Clutchy Hopkins!?!? That's the question that has the underground music beat scene ablaze. Who is Clutchy Hopkins? A mysterious individual with connections to the Inland Empire who leaves tapes with recordings of the most amazing chill beats anyone has ever heard. Here is some information found on Ubiquity.com regarding Mr. Hopkins:
"We first became interested in releasing new tunes by Hopkins when Ubiquity crew set off on a search for the best records we could find. On one of our travels we stopped in the Mojave desert at the local swap meet in the town of Victorville, CA. Instantly luck led us to a few record crates jam-packed with classic soul, funk and jazz gems. But this happened to be the least of our discoveries. Next to the crates was a box of reel to reel tapes. Blindly buying the tapes out of curiousty, we brought them back to office only identifying the sounds from the tapes with the name that was etched on the casing: C. Hopkins. We spent a few months trying to track down this mystery man with no luck...up until internet postings, myspace videos and a call out of nowhere took us to closer to the source.
Kelli Hopkins, the daughter of one Clutchy Hopkins, called to explain that the tapes contained unreleased material from her father. We were finally able to reach out to our reclusive mystery man.
He is a peaceful mysterious man that has given us some of the best records in our collection. We would like to thank Clutchy for bringing us the music that he has made, and for letting us share it with the people.
Ubiquity will release Walking Backwards, an LP worth of new material from Mr. Hopkins. CD will include bonus DVD with Clutchy Hopkins testimonials and stories from those who've had the oppotunity to cross paths. Walking Backwards will be released February 5, 2008."
Este senor has the best beats La Calavera's ears has listened to thus far. For more info check out:
And La Calavera's future brother-in-law (Dominic Wagner) has had the RARE opportunity to actually visit/interview Clutchy Hopkins at his secret desert location. Look for his article in a future issue of WAX POETICS:
Es todo la Calavera has to say. Below are Parts I and II on: WHO IS CLUTCHY HOPKINS. Enjoy.
Hasta La Proxima,
La Calavera #42
Can't Believe I Just Found Out About This!
click the pic
They could've at least got a better pic of Mos Def though.. he looks like he's a member of Depeche Mode..haha.. you know what I'm talking about Joe!
Also, speaking of concerts.. Kanye's Grammy performance made it a definite that I'm going to this..
I went to his New Year's show in Vegas a couple years ago, but this one is sure to be sick! Especially when you add N.E.R.D. who was dope live too, and Lupe Fiasco, and the only and only Rihanna!!
Forget Coachella, I'm at these two shows... peace suckers!
It's on now!!!
Well somebody has some balls.. Today, someone came into our entry way and stole our GRAND PIANO!!
Who the hell steals a huge piano? Rumor from an eye witness says it was two mexican dudes with a big white truck. We WILL find out who did this.. and if you know anything, or anyone who is part of this.. word to the wise... you may not want to mess with people who just watched "There Will Be Blood" and "Rambo" in the last month. War is in our blood! Nobody messes with us! YA HEARD! You messed with the wrong people.
La Calavera presents: Mission District Portraits
(I'm trying to create a mix media type of thing where music plays while you read the blog and look at the photo's. . .give it a try: press play. . .scroll down. . .read blog. . .look at the photo's. I know I'll figure out a better way of doing this eventually.)
Yes, it is true, La Calavera takes photo's He hopes to one day have a gallery where he can share the way he view's things, people, places, etc. . . with others.
La Calavera loves black and white photography, it's dramatic and it brings more attention to the subject at hand. With black and white photography there are various shades which add depth and definition but the focus will always be strongest on the subject.You see, like many artists, La Calavera is a happy individual on the outside, but deep within there is a depression that is kept in control. At times, this depression comes out and it is during those periods when some of his best work comes about. (Though some good photo's do appear when he is happy also).
Remember that I am still an amateur and these are some of my earlier pieces. . . Enjoy. This is titled Mission District Portraits
Hasta La Proxima,
La Calavera #42
Hitchcock Mania!!
The big Alfred Hitchcock fan that I am, I really dug these photos in the new issue of Vanity Fair. They put a bunch of up and coming celebrities in these photos and had them re-enacting famous scenes from Hitchcock movies. Pretty dope. But the Seth Rogen one is pretty funny though...
click the pic
Oh Hell Nah!
I know Aaron's "Tiny Fey" lovin ass will be the first one in line to see this one..
The way the narrator dude says "Baby Mama" at the end is comedy!
click the pic
I can kinda relate to this one. My ex-girlfriend had a picture of her family at her grandma's mansion in the Philippines which was supposedly haunted. You can see a "ghost" in the pic. She swore that one of the people standing there in the pic was not there when they took the pic... crazy. But anyways, it's good to see Joshua Jackson back in movies again. Glad he didn't give up on his sorry career. I just hope this one ain't as bad as "Urban Legend."
click the pic
I haven't lost faith in M. Night Shyamalan though..
click the pic
Songs of the week
This week, I've stepped my game up a little and stopped being so lazy, and have uploaded the songs on the page for u to hear them as well.
Kanye West "Addiction"
This song is from Kanye's 2nd album, Late Registration. I love the guitar loop sampled from Etta James' "My Funny Valentine". Anyway, in the song, Kanye talks about something we are all familiar with in some way. Addiction. He talks about some stuff he's struggled with in the song. It's not too deep, but it's a nice song.
James Brown "Gonna Have a Funky Good Time"
This song is one of my favorite jams ever. You can play this for any kinda crowd, and if they have any rhythm at all, they will start at least nodding their head or tapping their feet. This is soul at it's finest!
John Mayer "Vultures"
This song is from John Mayer's last album. I thing Mayer is a very talented dude, and this song shows a lot of his talents. The song isn't just a nice groove to listen to, but the lyrics are pretty deep too.
Back In The Day Thursdays
Last night I was using my homegirl Clarice's computer, only to see the desktop wallpaper pop up and make me laugh uncontrollably... all because of this all over the screen..
Which made me think about how much I liked Saved By The Bell. A lot of my friends will disagree with me, but me and Myron love this show. I'm not ashamed to say I've seen every episode either... and also don't sleep on the college years..