One of my favorite 80s movies..
Teen Wolf
A normal high school teenager that learns that he can turn into a werewolf, which makes him the big "wolf" on campus, and a tight ass basketball
You can't go wrong with a movie like that.. and don't forget the crazy fashion and shirts in the movie..
Back In The Day Thursdays
Pretty "Rad"
I miss synchronized dance scenes in movies..
P.S. That has to be the dopest bike jump in movie history! Along with "Napoleon Dynamite" and "Hot Rod"..
La Calavera: Photo's
Please forgive La Calavera, life's been happening but he is back. I've been trying to figure out this whole photobucket thing so I can start posting up some of my photography (and future photographs with Dav 2 the Izzo and his gigs if all goes well). Si, La Calavera's passion is photography! That will be coming soon along with more new posts. For the mean time, please enjoy this performance done by one of La Calavera's favorite bands RADIOHEAD. Here is Scotch Mist. Ahhh Thom York, you never cease to amaze me.
Hasta La Proxima ves,
La Calavera #42
Songs of the week
This week I'm kinda in chill mode, so I've been listening to chill ass songs...
Estelle ft. Kanye West "American Boy"
This one's kinda new.. Estelle's a new R&B artist from Europe and she's kinda blowing up. Anyway, Kanye is pretty cool on this song, like pretty much any song he's on. This song just makes you wanna travel all around the world with your girl.
Erykah Badu "Didn't Ya Know"
This song is produced by my favorite hip hop producer J Dilla (RIP). But these beat is so laid back, you can't help but get relaxed when listening to it. The bassline is very addictive.
Incubus "Mexico"
This song was a must when we were chilling out in Mexico on the beach last summer. Nothing but this song on the iPod, the ocean and micheladas... it was so peaceful.
So epic..
I love this video. fyi, skateboarding + explosions = DOPENESS!!
Loving this video too!
I'm about to recheck my records and see which of these albums i got. I know I got a lot of em..
Obama '08!
I'm really digging this Obama poster done by Shepard Fairey (Obey). I like pretty much all of the art Obey puts out. To find out more about Shepard Fairey's thoughts on Obama, and why he put this poster out, click the pic..
Fireworks are cool...
She looks like she plays with fireworks all the time...
Feist-I Feel It All
Right now, I have a small crush on Feist... Diablo Cody... and my favorite female blogger, Sarah Morrison..

I need to find some cute black girls to like..haha.
The new Rambo movie rocks! I didn't think Sly Stallone still had it in him. There was good reception from the last Rocky movie, but Rambo kicks Rocky in the face with this one! It has the highest body count of any of the Rambo movies.. It has some of that dope frivolous 80s action, and Sly (at age 61) runs around like he's a 19 year old! This movie is just straight up entertaining! I haven't heard this many ooohs and ahhhs in a movie theater since Jurassic Park.
Back In The Day Thursdays
This week i'm taking it back to the 90s with that addictive gambling game for kids called "Pogs".
I used to love this game as a kid. I had over 1000 pogs probably, and like 20 slammers. The Air Jordan pog being my favorite! For those that know me, know I've been talking about getting the pog craze going again. Unfortunately I don't think it'll happen. It's a shame.
The video Tom Cruise WANTS you to see!
This is a pretty funny take on Tom Cruise's more funny scientology video. Jerry O'Connell from "Stand By Me" and "Joe's Apartment" fame, parodies the video and the whole WGA strike situation..
Coachella (for real this time)
I actually liked the fake line-up a little better, but that's why it's a fake line-up, it's just someone's wishlist. But this one is pretty good... I know LaCalavera will be excited about Portishead.
Just can't get enough!
Everyone's talking about this Tom Cruise clip of him babbling his random thoughts about Scientology. I just can't stop watching this video. Don't worry, I'm not interested in scientology or anything.. I just can't believe how damn crazy Mr. Cruise has gotten these days. From talking about "SP's" and what not, to his hilarious creepy laugh, this video is classic! I'm not posting the actual video on here, because I don't want the Church of Scientology getting rid of my blog site, but here's a link to's version. The actual video is like 9 minutes long, but they edited down to the top 5 Creeptastic moments. This video really is "KSW"...
click the pic
Back In The Day Thursdays
I'm going back to '87 with this one in which I show off my favorite cartoon ever.
It was Bionic Six.
This cartoon was way ahead of its time, with the animation and storyline.. Basically it was about this guy who was built like a machine (sort of like the Bionic Woman), and had to have his family bionically-enhanced in order to save them from a radioactive catastrophe. The each had specific bionic powers, and teamed up as a superhero family called the Bionic Six.
Of course my favorite character on there was the black dude, IQ. It is kinda messed up that the had to bionically make him smart though. But you couldn't mess with his super strenth or super intelligence.
I used to have all the action figures too, but my mom probably threw them away. Thanks mom...
Black women are the greatest! I want to know what time this show comes on, I'll watch it every week. Tyra Banks show don't got nothing on this! I also want to meet the man who got in this lady's head.. He's a damn genius!
La Calavera is excited.
Si, Dav 2 the Izzo is correct when he said that I would be excited about the Coachella line-up for this year!! It should be out soon, perhaps within the next month or so. Until then, one can only dream and speculate. One guilty pleasure that La Calavera would like to see perform @ Coachella 08' is. . .
MacBook Air
If I didn't just throw down $1300 for this last laptop, I would definitely drop $1800 for this one. It's super sick! I'd probably lose it or drop it easily though..
Songs of the week
This week I have more of a reminiscent style lineup for my songs of the week. These are songs that brought back memories for me, good ones at that.
Pete Rock ft. Vinia Mojica - "Mind Blowin"
This is hip hop at it's finest. I first picked up this album in 1998, but my fondest memory of this song is back around 2002 when me and my boy Kyle used to make a beach trip every Friday afternoon. He also made me pick out the music for the trip, and this song was one of the songs we always had on repeat. The saxaphone in hook is so addicting you'll keep rewinding for days. Listening to this song on a summer day in California was heaven! Super relaxing.
Stone Temple Pilots - "And So I Know"
I just remember it was summer 1999, 4th of July weekend, at my boy Casey's house. We were bbqing and he threw this song on. When I told him the song was dope and asked who it was, he was hestitant to say, feeling embarrased that it was the Stone Temple Pilots. Haha. You can't front on this song though. Also super relaxing. The guitar solo is wonderful.
Lootpack - "Whenimondamic"
"Check one-two, Check one-two-three!" You can't help but nod your head to this song. My boy Eric aka Panda Puff put me onto Lootpack when we were sophomores in college. He's the one that also got me sparked in djing. (For those of you who play Tony Hawk pro skateboarding, you may recognize this song from there.)
Moby ft. Patti Labelle - "One of These Mornings"
This is one of me and Myron's faves. I was never much of a big Moby fan like LaCalavera was back in '98, but this song has always been pretty cool to me. Pretty chill. After watching the Miami Vice movie and this song being in it, made me like it even more.
Jack Johnson - "Belle"
This is my favorite song from his "In Between Dreams" album. I love the French & bossanova vibe in this song. The story in this song is cool. It's like he's in Europe and sees a girl he likes but doesn't know what language to speak to her in. This song is so short, it leaves you wanting more. I like that. But this song rules, don't anyone tell you different. I'll have to learn this song to sing to my wife someday... I'm already getting lessons from this girl..
So hilarious!!!
I finally got enough composure to stop laughing so hard and post a blog about this...
For those of you who don't know who Steve Aoki is, he is the heir to the Benihana restaurant chain, and also a popular DJ.
He is known for his bad mixing and wild crazy moments when he performs. Sometimes his antics are entertaining, but this little drama takes the cake!
Funny Stuff!! Arab Parrot vs. Steve Aoki
You gotta read the whole thing!
ok, i was wrong..
That Sarah Connor show sucked big time and was total cheese. I could only get through the first 10 minutes. Hopefully some poor soul who watched the full episode will tell me that it actually got better. Hopefully "Prison Break" kicks ass tonight!
Simply amazing art!!
This person is making art out of rubix cube patterns...crazy..
And this guy's dope too, with his Lego art..
A good week
I am not a big television watcher besides a few select shows, but I gotta say, even with the tv strike going on, the networks are doing a pretty good job a getting me excited about television in '08! This week kinda has me hyped.
First tonight, we have the series premier of "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles". I know it seems kinda cheesy, but I'm gonna check it out and give it a chance, especially as a long time Terminator fan.
Monday night we have my new favorite show, "American Gladiators" facing off with my personal soap opera "Prison Break" coming back. Me and Myron might have to go out and get tivo today, because I don't know how we're gonna deal with both of these being on at the same time... actually i think you can watch the full episode of AG online.. so that's cool, it's got me covered.
Tuesday and Wednesday you got the first couple episodes for the new season of American Idol. I only watch the 1st week anyway, to see all these idiots on there trying to show out, because it is funny.
Don't forget that I can't wait for Jan 31st, which is the season premiere of Lost!!
Television is back!
La Calavera's Musica
There’s a spirit that awakens within La Calavera when he hears a mixture of the accordion, congas, and guitar, that sound that stirs emotions that lay deep within his roots. Si mi amgio y amiga, La Calavera grew up with this music, watching my tia’s y tio’s dance the night away to the beautiful rhythm , but back then I had little appreciation for it. Now I can't get enough! CUMBIA. That sound that originated in South America in a place that is now known as Colomiba and eventually found it‘s way to Mexico and other Latin American countries. Es un estilo de musica that is great, with an interesting background. Let La Calavera impart some knowledge to you with the help of his friend Mr. Wiki:
"Cumbia is a variant of the African Guinean cumbe music. Cumbia started in the northern region of Colombia, mainly in or around Cartagena during the period of Spanish colonization. Spain used its ports to import African slaves, who tried to preserve their musical traditions and also turned the drums and dances into a courtship ritual. Cumbia was mainly interpreted with just drums and claves.
The slaves were later influenced by the sounds of Amerindian instruments from the Koguis and Kuna tribes settled between the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the Montes de María; like the millo flutes, gaita flutes, and güiros. Africans and Amerindians working together as slaves created a mixture from which the gaitero (cumbia interpreter) appeared, with a defined identity by the 1800s. (These gaiteros are not to be associated with the Venezuelan Zulian gaiteros.) The European guitars and accordions were added later, through Spanish influence."
Thank you Mr. Wiki. Well enough with the writing, I hope you will enjoy this and go out and check out other cumbia artist. For the time being here are two videos from Celso Pina.
Hasta La Proxima ves,
La Calaveras #42
Back In The Day Thursdays
A few weeks ago me, Anthony, and Malina were up after a crazy night. And believe me, it was a crazy night! But anyway, it led us to stay awake in the wee hours of the morning only to catch best of 80's videos or something like that on VH1. I don't know if I was tired or maybe had a few too many drinks, but every video they were showing was super awesome! Not just the songs, but the videos were off the hook! They even showed Robert Palmer's "Didn't Mean to Turn You On" which I have always loved as a song (Cherelle did the original for all you old school funk & r&b fans), but have never seen the video, until that night. So in honor of that night, I show all of you. You also gotta love how Robert Palmer always had those crazy mannequin-looking chicks as his band in his videos. Nobody does stuff like that anymore.. Also check out how hard Robert's focusing on snapping his fingers.. Classic!
Listen to the words too, this song keeps it real!
I love this ad!
Here's a dope clip from the Five Four clothing. It's directed by documentarian Danny Lee. The clip basically has 54 dudes dressed up in the Five Four gear walking around like soldiers all around the L.A. hotspots. People's reactions are crazy in this, but I think mine would be too, haha. Loving the "Sinnerman" in the background too. That song makes any video or movie that much better. Why do you think I like "The Thomas Crown Affair" so much?
The New Hotness!
I know it's late, but I've been sick, and holding this in all week. But does anyone else love the new American Gladiators as much as I do?
Not only does it have one of my favorites, Hulk Hogan as a host, along with the beautiful Laila Ali, it was just as good as the original version that I used to love as a kid. They kept a lot of the events the same, and brought in a few new ones that aren't that bad. I'm just glad they didn't screw it up, because they could have big time. But I'm excited that it's back on, cheesy or not. The Hulkster also just spilled the beans yesterday on that the show got picked up for the rest of the season.. Anyone wanna go catch a taping? Lemme know..
Oh yeah, shout out to that cute Asian girl, Venus who won the other night. I'm going for her!
Songs of the week
This week has been very uneventful due to the fact i've been bed-ridden with strep throat. Hasn't been much fun, but here are 5 great songs that helped me get through it and relax. Some are old but still good. Check 'em out, maybe you'll love 'em too.
DJ Shadow - "Six Days"
Absolutely amazing song. I've loved this one since the first time I've heard it. Very chill relaxing song. I like it for road trips to San Francisco. The bridge in this song is very addicting, just leaves you wanting more. This song also makes you think about how "tomorrow never comes until it's too late."
Curumin - "Samba Japa"
Curumin is a great samba band out of Brazil. My boy DJ Wam put me onto them about a year or so ago. This song was on his ringtone, and it was so addicting, it's always playing in my iTunes now.. Great spanish guitar, lead singer has a great voice despite not singing in English. But that seems to make the song better.
Daphne Loves Derby - "Birthday Galleries"
Daphne Loves Derby is a very underrated alternative/indie band. They probaby aren't as big because they choose to write softer melodies and sing about love a lot. In today's world, that doesn't sell much. But I like them, and I like this song.
Sven Libaek - "Misty Canyon"
There's nothing like a great jazz song. This one reminds me of living in Paris in the 50s or something. haha. Don't ask me why, I just imagine crazy things sometimes. Some of you may recognize this song from being used in DangerDoom's "Basket Case" as a sample. But the original just can't be topped. It has everything. From the vibraphones in the beginning, to the faint but groovy guitar in the background, and when the horn comes in about a minute into it, the song becomes unstoppable.
Lupe Fiasco - "The Coolest"
Just listen to the words of this song. This song describes so many people in the world today. Everybody wants to be cool I guess. Everyone is searching for a way out. This song shows us how we all have insecurities. Sometimes insecurities can show us who we truly are though.
La Calavera Quicky: Yo tengo one question for you. . . Do ya think I'm sexy?
Ahh yes. Tight pleather pants, big-blonde-frizzy hairstyles, cracked-out looking women and sexually ambiguiouse looking men. Yep, it must be that muy caliente Rod Stewart and his band. Enjoy!
La Calavera #42
Si, I know, the drummer does look like Ben Stiller in Dodge Ball.
For all of you Star Wars fans out there... this is almost as bad as "Episode 1".
Myron's gonna hate me for that comment..but he'll probably hate this chick worse after seeing this!
Back In The Day Thursdays
This one only goes back about 2 years, since it's 08 now, but it's still one of my favorite songs.. and the video is cool too. Reminds me of some French 80s stuff. Even thought these guys are from Austrailia.
Cut Copy-Saturdays
This other one is a creative one i like that's also from '06.
Dj Mehdi ft. Chromeo-I Am Somebody
It's also nice to see this video inspired many...haha. Where did these girls find the time???
Dope Art is the new hotness!
Peep these paintings by my boy Nate the Artist. He's sick with it!
This one's my favorite of his.. reminds me of some Miles Davis stuff..
He does shoes too ->
These are some dope pics Nate put me on to that were on his page.
Myron oughta like this one!
Hello kids..
Happy New Year everyone! I'm stuck at home with a bum shoulder from a pinched nerve, so I'm sitting around chilling with an ice pack on my shoulder, which is no fun especially in the winter. Even though it's not that cold in Cali right now..
Point blank, I have nothing I'm really able to do but blog.. so here we go..
First of all, I hope everyone had a great New Year's. I'm spent mine djing a masquerade party, which was really great. Hopefully I can get pics soon from Crystal, but her camera broke, so we'll see.
Besides that everything has been cool, and I'm really looking forward to a great year!